Running Out Of Time
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:44 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Down To Earth
Song Author
Marti Frederiksen / Ozzy Osbourne / Mick Jones
File Size
62 KB
Been a round this world so ma ny times _ if you could on ly see _ my mind
I watch my sec ret hea _ ven turn _ to hell _
Faith a lone has gui ded me, the ghost of my own de sti ny
I have n't e ven got a soul _ to sell _
All the thing I put me through I would n't wish my hell on you
You'll ne ver know what's go ing on in side _ _ _
Just a not her lone _ ly bro _ ken he _ ro
Pick ing up the pie _ ces of my mind _ _
Run ning out of faith _ and hope and rea _ son. I'm
run ning out of time _
run ning out of time _
Trou ble al ways seems to find a way to live in side _ my mind
My haun ted head and me _ re main a lone _
Un der neath my mas que rade a sim ple man who's so _ a fraid
I try to find a light _ to guide me home _
Ma ma, please just hold me tight feel ing so a fraid to night
Cuz yer the on ly one that real ly knows _ _ _
Just a not her lone _ ly bro _ ken he _ ro
Pick ing up the pie _ ces of my mind _ _
Run ning out of faith _ and hope and rea _ son. I'm
run ning out of time _
run ning out of time _
Fight ing for my san i ty ma ny nights of tra ge dy
Got to leave my wretch ed ways be hind _ _ _
Just a not her lone _ ly bro _ ken he _ ro
Pick ing up the pie _ ces of my mind _ _
Run ning out of faith _ and hope and rea _ son. I'm
run ning out of time _
run ning out of time. I'm
run ning out of time _
run ning out of time. I'm
run ning out of time _
It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located
throughout. The song is mostly accurate, except
for the ending of every chorus' has a cross-channeling
effect that you can make yourself. It is also imperative
to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right
where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was
checked for accuracy by playing along with the real
track song!